Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hello Sunshines!

Lets start the day with my favorite quote:

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect it simply means that you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."

So.. As I've been told, my passion for traveling (yes, that includes all the FOOD too) needed to be expressed somewhere. And since I'm on my holiday right now. LOL LIES! I am apparently one busy daigakusei (or what you call university student) in Japan with exam coming tomorrow. But, I just love procrastinating. 

I'm a Chinese Indonesian, currently studying in a Japanese University. Being in the town with the most michelin-star restaurants, and the centre of good food, my journey to explore the Japanese culinary begins! :)
Anyway, I couldn't wait to share the little things in life that give me joy and happiness.
Starting from...

Kempinski, Jakarta
Dinner in Hakone

Yes.. You caught me red handed, I LOVE FOOD. And there are so many supercalifragislisticexpialidicious GOOD food out there. Not to mention, Japan.
It hurts to say that I have to say bye to all those fried juicy high calories food for these few months. And say hello to all the little healthy green friends called veggies. But all the hard work will eventually pay off when summer comes! hihi

This is basically going to be my journal where I'm going to blog about my happy passion, food, travels, fashion, yea.. thats basically it.

See you all lovelies,

muchos love

Gracia Rusli 

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